Fuck You Lar! Sohai!
This is the part 2 of “Fuck You!” article. I fuck off people not enough yet. In fact, there is still a lot more things I wanted to fuck people off! Now, I want to fuck off these sohai who Read More
Wut!? Not Syok Ar? Bite Me Lar!
This is not a diary! And for those who think blog is a diary, why you write your diary and put it on the web? So stupid!
This is the part 2 of “Fuck You!” article. I fuck off people not enough yet. In fact, there is still a lot more things I wanted to fuck people off! Now, I want to fuck off these sohai who Read More
As you can see now, I had changed a bit on my blog’s layout. Not changed the whole theme… There is some widgets removed and added 1 custom widget. The reason why i removed some of these widget is because Read More
I’m sure that a lot of you already know what is OpenID. It is a decentralized standard for login/authentication where you may use it to directly login to most of the website without the needs to register for an account Read More