Linux User NumberIPv6 Certification Badge for garfieldwtfCisco Finger
Nothing special about this blog, it is just a geek blog. Not really geek anyway, as I consider myself is a noob.
My nickname on most other website is garfieldwtf.
And as you know, I am a public enemy. I pissed off a lot people and I am very annoying.

I am also a Cisco network devices user. A very good product and can earn a lot from it.

If the contents of this blog is useful for you, then I hope that you will spread it to those people who also need them.

I personally don’t think that those articles that I write is very very useful for you, but hope that someone will able to get benefit from them, especially those articles on the “Computer Stuff” category.

To contact me, my email is admin[at]

I know some people wanted to email me and fuck me off, so here is the email address.

Kiss My Ass!

By the way, everything that is written here is copyrighted, so do not just simple copy and paste without giving credits back to me, link back to this blog if u copied any parts of my articles. Read the copyrights detail at the logo at below.

And for your information, I do consider myself as an anonymous blogger. Therefore, you won’t find any of my pictures or my family member’s pictures in my blog, or any of my social media profiles.
In case you happened to have my pictures, my family pictures, or any of mine and my family member’s details, do not think of publishing it. I will consider it as a breach of privacy and will not hesitate to take legal action against you if you publish anything I’ve mentioned above.
Even if it happens that you meet me before, and I let you know that I am garfieldwtf, it means I trust that you are mature enough to respect my privacy. Even if I have taken picture with you also, that is for your own to keep only, as I treating you as a friend, not for the public.
If you attempt breach my anonymity privacy, then be prepare for trouble, coz I will definitely take legal action against you!

Creative Commons License
WTF!? Not Syok Ar? Bite Me Lar!
Garfield WTF
is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.