As you can see now, I had changed a bit on my blog’s layout. Not changed the whole theme…
There is some widgets removed and added 1 custom widget.
The reason why i removed some of these widget is because they are making the page load very show. Those widgets are off loading contents from other websites, and since it fetch stuffs from other website, it will take more time to load the whole page.
The widgets that is removed is as listed at below:
Censorship Rating
Although it did not slow down the site, but I think it is not that appropriate to put the censorship rank as G anymore as the words I used is far more gentle and polite. Yes, my words is damn fucking polite until you can say “mah chao hai!”
Garfield Of The Day
If you can remember, it is the daily Garfield comic updated daily and it is fetching the data direct from the official Garfield website. It does slow down the site a little bit, but not much. Anyway, it seems like not much people like to read Garfield comic, so I removed it and read myself.
Twitter Updates
This widget slow down the site damn fucking much. It slow the site down until like loading youtube video in this site. It fetches my most recent 5 updates at my Twitter and show at the site. Since I see now people prefer to read Twits direct at their Twitter account, so I think there is no point placing that widget here and slow down the site. Furthermore, if people wanted to read my Twits, they can click my Twitter link at the new widget and follow my Twits.
Subscribe Update To Email
It is the email subscription to my Feeds Burner feeds. I found that people prefer to directly save the link of my RSS feeds and check it directly from their web browser according to the traffic record. So I just remove it since it is taking space in the site’s layout.
And I just added a new custom widget:
My Social Network Links
Instead of showing my Twits, I had replaced with this widget that I customly coded myself. It has 6 social network icons where I joined which they are Twitter, Facebook, Linked In, Digg, Delicio.us and the link to my Feed Burner. You may see this widget at the top right side of the site. Since they are just PNG pictures with links only, so it can be loaded very fast compare to the Twitter update fetch I used before this.
Besides adding and remove widgets, some of the widgets has been relocated and changed some settings.
The Bookmark This Site widget has been moved from middle of the sidebar to top at below the My Social Network Links as I think these two things are closely related. Furthermore, it is better to let people able to see the bookmark widget to bookmark this site. Can get more traffic this way, hehehehe.
Before this, the Archive and Category is fully listed at the sidebar. And since it had become very long already and it makes the site looks too messy, so I decided to set it become a dropdown selection. So when people really interested to read more of my old articles, they can select the one that they wanted to read. And by doing this, it takes less time for the site to load as well.
By the way, I might temporary change the site’s theme to Christmas theme soon. hehehehe.