I’m sure that there is a lot people are forced to use long names as their blogspot URL due to they are not able to get the shorter name as other people already used that. You often see there is a lot of blogspot blogs with URL such as http://mynameisidiot.blogspot.com instead of http://idiot.blogspot.com
This is very common nowadays as most of those nice names has already been registered.
Some people who are willing to spend money, purchased their own domain name for their own blogspot blog to make the URL shorter. But most people either cannot afford to buy a domain name or not willing to spend on domain name will have to stick to the very very long URL.
Of course, there is some smart people go for free sub domains such as co.cc. But then again, not everyone knows how to configure A record or CNAME records. So this is why most people prefer to stick to the long URL instead of learning something new to make their blog URL shorter.
So, to make everyone life more simple, I had did something for everyone to have a shorter URL with ease.
Later at below, I will teach you how to use the sub domain for your blogspot blog.
Ok, now here is the list of domains you can use for your blogspot blog.
For Female
For Male
For Those Who Between Male & Female
For Those Who Likes Vulgar Words
So, how to use it?
First, you will have to decide which one of the above domain you would like to use.
For example, if you want to have mimi.cutie.tk, then try to enter mimi.cutie.tk in your web browser see if it is showing any blog or not. If it shows you a blog, means it is taken. So you either choose another domain such as mimi.sugarz.tk or others, or you can try other names like mimitan.cutie.tk.
If when you browse to the sub domain that you have selected such as mimi.cutie.tk, and it shows the page as the image as below, then congratulations, it is available and you may use it.
Configure Blogspot To Accept The New Domain
Since it is available for use, then now you will have to change the setting in your blogspot blog for it to accept the new domain(sub domain actually).
First, login to your blogspot account. When you are at the Dashboard page, click the “Settings” link of you blog. And when you at the “Settings” page, click the “Publishing” tab. Now you should be able to see your existing URL on that page.
Now, click the “Custom Domain” link. By default it will ask you to purchase a domain name from them, just ignore it and click the “Switch to advanced settings” link.
Now, at the “Your Domain” text area, type in you chosen sub domain you have decided just now. Let say you have chosen mimi.cutie.tk, then just type in mimi.cutie.tk at the text area. Select “No” for the “Use a missing files host?” and then type in the “Word Verification” that is shown at that page. After everything has done, just click the “Save Settings” button. Now everything has completed, just close that page and you can now start to use your new URL.
You might be wondering that why you do not need to set the A records or CNAME records like what other people said need to be done. The answer is very simple, I had already done that for you. All the domains at above already pointed to blogspot and every sub domains is already pointed to blogspot. I already did that for so that you no need to care about those complicated parts.
For those who wanted to use yourname.garfield.in, you may email me and I will point the sub domain to blogspot for you manually. What you need to do is just same as above.
By the way, read this disclaimer before you proceed doing the above setting.
I will not responsible for any lost causing by using the domains listed as above.
This include, but not limited to:
1. Domain dropped and not pointing to blogspot anymore.
2. Domain can’t work either your own mistake or the server problem.
3. Your preferred sub domain is already taken before you decide to take it.
4. Your pet, cat/dog die because the domain bring you bad luck.
5. You fall down from the chair while you setting up the sub domain.
6. Your bf/gf dump you because he/she don’t like the sub domain you selected.
7. Any injuries caused while using the sub domain.
8. A lot more.
By the way, if you are using any of the domains I prepared at above, please place a mini banner at below and link back to this page. Although it is not compulsory, but I do hope that you will do this.
Help to spread this even though you are not using this. It could be useful for other people who wish to have a shorter URL for their blog.