Happy Doomsday!

Well, usually people will say “Happy New Year!” today. I prefer to say “Happy Dooms Day!” ๐Ÿ˜› So, it has comes to the time for me to list up my goal, and review my own achievement of the goal I Read More

DMCA to protect your website’s contents

In my previous post about Creative Commons, I did mentioned about DMCA, and promised that I will write about what is DMCA. Although I had delayed a few post, but now I had publish it now. DMCA is actually stands Read More

My 2010 Report Card.

Finally, the year 2010 will be end soon. Anyway, I would like to wish you a Merry Christmas as I did not write any Christmas greeting article this year due to I was too busy with a lot of things. Read More

cPanel Vulnerability Found!!!

I know a lot of sysadmins are very lazy to do work, especially today is weekend. But… You lazy mother fucker! Go login into your damn servers and patch that fucking thing! You lazy asshole!!! Anyway, before posting this article, Read More

My Domains DNS Issues

Some of you who did follow my tweets or my Facebook updates, might already know what happened. Last week, when I was trying to access to some of my websites, I am not able to reach the website. At first, Read More