Finally, the year 2010 will be end soon.
Anyway, I would like to wish you a Merry Christmas as I did not write any Christmas greeting article this year due to I was too busy with a lot of things.
Same like last year, this year also have a lot of wonderful things happened. Of course, when there is wonderful things happened, there will be also bad things happened.
But fortunately, this year does not have something happened which involve life.
You may check out my previous year’s end of year post at:
Going to be year 2010 in 1 more hour.
So, now I shall preview back the goals I have set at the early of the year at Year 2010 Goals To Achieve.
I shall make a report card for myself now.
There are 11 goals I have set, so lets see how well I do in this whole year.
1. Expand my new company to another level, increase the profit.
This goal has already succeed. Although there was some hiccup starting mid of the year, where there was only very low number new sales, for a few months, but still making profit. Then it finally goes up back rapidly during December.
And guess what? Although the sales quantity was not as high as early of the year, but the value of the sales is damn high! Each one of the sales value is almost equal to the total sales values at the early of the year!
And now it is still keep on growing even bigger again! A lot of new products also had been added and become flagship products of this company!
I also merged my other company which is doing the similar things into this company! Since the merging, this company reputation has grown a lot! And after the merging, all the workloads seems reduced and easier for me to manage.
So, consider goal archived.
2. Add more servers in Malaysia data centers, increase local sales.
Ok, this one I had failed.
I was too focus on the new company and neglected the company I established in Malaysia. But well, I do manage to improve this company, maintain the income and grow it up with other products which is not related with web hosting service.
3. Maintain oversea businesses (all 3 of my companies), and try to double up the revenue compare to last year.
Well, this goal had been achieved successfully. In fact, the revenue not only double up, they are quadruple up. Maybe this is because I had merged 2 of the company and gained trust of oversea customers. But sadly, the company in local, I didn’t focus on it too much and did it did not penetrate oversea market.
But hey! The other 2 company did grow like hell, it is damn good already, right?
4. Contribute more effort in Opensource, write more articles about Opensource. Also, plan to become an IT magazine columnist where my articles can help those who wanted to learn more about Opensource. Especially on Ubuntu & WordPress.
Ok, this one I would say I only manage to succeed half only.
I did spend more time in Opensource stuffs. But Opensource articles has become less.
The plan for write for an IT magazine did not succeed because the founder of the Opensource magazine had abandoned the project somewhere around mid of the year.
On Ubuntu Linux wise, I am less active during mid year on wards. But I had become much more active in a new community, the Malaysia Debian User Group (DebMal). Although it is an very old distro, but the community is still very new in this country. Plus Ubuntu is built based on Debian, so I had decided to help on make this new community grow.
In fact, I even host the DebMal portal website in the very same server as this blog now!
About Wordpres…
I have to say, damn… When I was wanting to write the WordPress book, the version 3.0 had release. So I have to start allover to write again. Anyway, you can expect my WordPress book to be release somewhere around mid of 2011(hopefully).