Happy Doomsday!

Well, usually people will say “Happy New Year!” today. I prefer to say “Happy Dooms Day!” ๐Ÿ˜› So, it has comes to the time for me to list up my goal, and review my own achievement of the goal I Read More

The Beauty Of “Forbidden”

The story of “The Forbidden Fruit”, is quite a well known story in “The Book Of Genesis” and most people already know about it. It is about the GOD told Adam & Eve do not eat the ‘Forbidden Fruit’, which Read More

Sibu is on DAP’s hand now!

The Buy Election result was announced yesterday night. DAP has won the Sibu Parliament seat by a narrow majority of 398 votes. I am not going to comment anything on this, as I wanted to avoid any problems that might Read More

Fuck You!

You might wonder why this article’s title is called “Fuck You”. After much consideration, I found that this 2 words is the most perfect for this article. Since I am going to criticize majority of the Malaysian’s stupid mindset, I Read More