Well, usually people will say “Happy New Year!” today.
I prefer to say “Happy Dooms Day!”
So, it has comes to the time for me to list up my goal, and review my own achievement of the goal I set last year at the same time. But since the database was corrupted and I am not able to read what goal I have set, so never mind then. If I can’t remember what izzit, means they are not important goals. LOL
And now, listing of my 2012 goal:
1. Get a new car.
2. Get myself a new apprentice, as my previous apprentice, has failed me.
If you got read my previous posts, I believe you will know what is going on.
3. Kill the CPB bill and restore freedom to the IT industry!
Not only me wish for this, I believe a lot IT personnel also wish for the same thing.
4. Same old thing, grow my web/VPS/dedicated server hosting business.
5. Complete the HE IPv6 certification until the “Sage” level.
Currently until “Professional” level. 1 more level to go.
6. Want to successfully deploy an IPv6 gateway server.
Need to make sure I am able to setup the IPv6 gateway server at home, so that I will be ready for deploy an IPv6 network to be use for my hosting business.
7. Complete my satellite project.
I doubt this can be complete this year, since I am not that rich for all the equipments. But anyway, just put it in the list lah.
8. Get a 42U rack at Cyberjaya.
Related with my hosting business. But hopefully the business will grow until I can afford 1 whole rack in Malaysia, since Malaysia datacenter is selling bandwidth like selling gold like that.
9. Vote BN out from becoming the government again.
I’ve been suffered too much under the governance of BN. I believe a lot people also feel the same as me. You see the CPB bill and the PAB bill, you also can know a lot of people hate BN a lot already lah.
10. Move to new house.