Ok, when I go to the KFC, I forget to bring iron bar, camera or helmet.
Luckily, I don’t need to use these 3 things at the KFC outlet near my home.
At first, I thought that the outlet will be very crowded, as usually when got any promo, it will be crowded like hell.
But when I arrived there, it does not have much customers there. I think it is either people do not know about this promo yet, or everyone who boycott KFC refuse to go there. Or maybe they afraid they might get whack for ordering chicken and told to “masak sendiri”, LOL!
I went in and asked for the promo bucket, and amazingly, the staffs know about this promo so soon!
Usually even after a few days any short term promo announced in the KFC website or Facebook page, most of the outlets do not know anything about it at all. This time, they do aware of it. Perhaps the branches managers are now forced to check the updates daily after the i-City case now.
And guess what? I did get some bonuses for buying this promo bucket by using some magic key words, which is “Facebook” and “Internet”! Hahahahaha
When I order and holding my Galaxy 5 smartphone, I asked “I saw in the ‘Internet’, at KCF’s ‘Facebook’ page got 1 promotion, the ‘Bargain Bucket’, it is available here right?” then the cashier asked me want Combo A or Combo B. I was very blur, as the promo announced in the KFC Malaysia’s Facebook page did not mention anything about Combo A or B, and only mentioned the “Bargain Bucket” got 6 pieces of chicken and 3 Nasi Minyak.
Of course I asked what is the Combo A and Combo B. Then she answered, Combo A comes with 6 chicken and 3 wedges. While Combo B comes with 6 chicken and 3 Nasi Minyak. Of course, choosing Combo A is much worth lar! Then I chosen Combo A.
When she asked me whether I want “Original Recipe” or “Hot & Spicy”. Guess what I asked? I ask “Hari ni punye Orginal atau Hot & Spicy mana satu paling besar?” She answered “Hot & Spicy”, and I do see that “Original Recipe” ones is really much smaller yesterday, and left not that much in the warmer.
After she packed the chickens in the box, the wedges was just finished cooked and put on the warmer, and that cashier take it for me. And before she put that 3 packs of wedges into the plastic bag, she added 2 extra pieces wedges into each pack of the wedges! LOL. Until the whole wedges wrapper is so bloated! Totally get 6 pieces of wedges extra for free! Muahahaha!!!

See? Full until the wedges also come out! And why only 2 pack in the picture? Coz 1 pack already go inside my stomach when I was driving.
Then when go home, I opened the box, and guess what, all those 6 pieces of chicken are so big in size! First time get gigantic size chicken from KFC! I eat 2 piece already full until can’t move already! LOL.

The chickens might looks not that big from the picture, but trust me, when you see it yourself, it is fucking big!
It seems like most KFC outlets now is doing damage control for the damages of what i-City KFC has did.
As long as you let them know you are “come from the internet”, you get something extra or bigger.
Some other tricks, which I don’t recommend to do it, is go there and ask, “Saya mau beli ayam, saya akan kena pukul tak? Perlu masak sendiri tak?” , the after order, the chicken size they give are very big ones. Got some crazy fellers tried this crazy trick. But if you do this trick, you are provoking them, so if kena like i-City gang members, there might be another “Kentucky Fight Customers” case happen again.
So I suggest it is better to use the “Internet” and “Facebook” keyword to try to get big chickens. If you dare, try to add 1 more keyword, which is “Youtube” LOL
Just remember that you should go to those counter which have female cashier on duty(lesser chance get whack), and talk politely, in order to get back a polite response and get extra wedges. 😛
Note: I believe this offer is available in all KFC except for KLIA and LCCT. And also this promotion will be something different in i-City, as in i-City KFC will be known as “Belasah Bucket”.