In the effort of rejecting the implementation of this bill, we are lack of supports by those university graduates who think that they are still safe after the bill is passed to become an act.

If you are thinking like this, I am sorry to say that the degree you have, is actually not much better than the certificate above!
The IT industry now in our country, is supported and grown by those people who does not really having certification. Not by those who are just holding a degree or master and have no practical skills at all. Think carefully, and you know that what I’ve said is the truth. Your piece of paper worth nothing if you do not know how to do the work. You are just a parasite which depends on those people who actually having the skills to do the work.
Your degree, just indicate that you have studied some theories about IT, not the skills. I bet most of those IT degree holders do not even know how to do programing with the things they studied from their universities. And those IT graduates who currently know how to do programing and sysadmin work, are those who are hard working enough to learn them self outside of the university, such as “Google”!
And because of this, you don’t even need a diploma to know programing and how to administrate a server, you just need hard work to learn it yourself from whatever learning source you able to get! Which is why nowadays, those who empowering the country’s IT industry, are mostly those who not even having IT degree!
Many IT graduates nowadays, they tends to think that they are smarter and better than everyone else, just because of the degree they have on their hand, is from some reputable university. This kind of mindset is wrong, and it will eventually lead you to become a parasite who only know how to talk, but in fact, depending on those who having real skills to do your work as well as clean up the mess that you created by giving the wrong facts while you are giving consultation your customers.
IT graduates which did not learn other IT skills them self, are pretty useless when comes to implementing a real production systems. Their only contribution to a project is… well, wearing a smart slack and talk to the customers as a consultant to con them into signing an agreement, that’s all.