Turn Off Lights 1 Hour Will Not Help To Make The Earth Greener!

Note:This is a multi paged article. Please click to go to the next pages to read the whole article. I believe a lot of fucktards turned off their lights for 1 hour from 8.30pm to 9.30pm for the earth hour. Read More

Use More Electric During Earth Hour To Reduce Energy Waste!

Most people around the world will going to turn of their lights during the “Earth Hour” and say it will help reduce the energy waste. Well, I say fuck them. By turning off the lights at that 1 hour, actually Read More

Happy Chinese New Year!

Here, I would like to wish everyone Happy Chinese New Year! May you have a prosperous year of Water Dragon! Yes, I know, I am 7 days late. So I would also like to wish you a Happy Human Day! Read More

Firefox Can’t Resolve IPv6 Domains?

Firefox can support IPv6 without any problem. Unless you’ve been disabled the Firefox’s IPv6 resolve before this. From the picture above, it is pretty straight forward on how to re-enable back IPv6 DNS resolve for Firefox. At the address bar, Read More

Test View Webpage On IPv6 Address (AAAA)

Do you know that you can actually access webpage with IPv6 addresses, just like IPv4? Usually, when view webpages with IPv4 address, you will use URL like “” to view the website. Well, you can do so with IPv6 addresses Read More