I’m sure most of you know that 14th February is Valentine’s Day.
If you got Facebook, I am very sure that a lot people’s updates did remind you that it is Valentine’s Day today!
Example, some morons shouting in Facebook everyday mentioning that they have no couple to celebrate with them lar, feel very sad lar, and bla bla bla to expect some horny dicks go and ask them out to celebrate Valentine and then fuck them up.
Or you might see some extremely religious fellers who go and shout around to ask everyone to boycott Valentine’s Day by saying St. Valentine is a “Yahudi” lah, this and that lar, and if celebrate Valentine’s Day is doing murtad things lar, and bla bla bla….
Ok, why I greet people so vulgarly?
The reason is very simple.
As I said just now, a lot of morons, especially those young people, to be exact, those young girls! Keep posting in their Facebook about how “pitiful” they are for being “single” and no one celebrate Valentine with them.
Woi! Come on lar! No boy friend, then no need to celebrate lar! Make so much noise and keep posting about this to hint people to date you for what!? You girls so cheap until openly offer yourself for free like this mer!?
To those who openly offer them self to be date in Facebook, good luck, coz you will going to get a horny wolf and you are fucked tonight! So do yourself and people around you a favor, buy a pack of condom from 7-11 before go out for a date tonight, don’t cause your family and friends need to spend money for your wedding next month!
Those who just got an instant boyfriend just for the sake of celebrating Valentine’s Day, perhaps you might be getting a teddy bear or some flowers in order to cheat you to go on to the bed. Just keep 1 thing in mind, if they tell you “I Love You” tonight, although they just become your boyfriend since a few days ago, or just started to become your boyfriend today, trust me, they don’t really mean what they say. In fact, the “I Love You” they mean is equal to what 2 pictures below mean!
And to those dicks out there, do yourself and everyone else a favor. The very advice as the above ones, buy a fucking pack of condom and keep it in your pocket! No one like to pay you Ang Pau if you kena lottery!