This is my response to a post in the OSDC.MY FB group posted by Fariz.
I just go and took a nap for a few hours, and so many things happened!?
And here is what I am going to say.
1. The LarHost Case.
Fariz, as you can remember, you are taken as apprentice of mine for learning skills in doing web hosting business and the tricks to grow and sustain the web hosting business. The “LarHost” project, is your training ground, as well as a “company” built for you to experience the competition in web hosting business. Although you are good in backend works, but you did not spend you effort to do the marketing part. You do remember the profit you will get from the “LarHost” is 50% from the total of the net profit, and I am the one who bearing all the start up cost. Another word, you get 50% of a company without spending a single cent.
You remember that I told you that the 2nd level of the lesson which is “marketing, sustaining, growing” is the hardest part to pass? But the problem is since the starting of “LarHost” until now, already several months(I think since May or June), 1 sales also don’t have. The cost that I spent on “LarHost”, which is roughly RM98.50, is still not yet recover back. The “LarHost” account is still in red, negative. So by spending these money already, and you doing nothing much to grow and sustain the company, how do you think me and my wife will react? I am patient enough to give you dateline until 30th November 2011 to hit the sale quota, but my wife, is not patient enough to see money is keep on spent on the “company” which is a liability and please be noted that those money, is taken out from my family business’s account.
2. The Haziq Haikal case.
Haziq, you told me that Fariz took you as his student and he asked you to come and ask me to teach you things. But from what Fariz said, he never took you as his student or asked you to come and ask me to teach you things in server administration! So, do you think that you are smart to manipulate people to get what you want? I’ve been dealing with a lot of fox in business, do you think I will fall into your tricks?
At first, I have no problem teaching you, but your laziness and stubbornness is causing me fed up with you. You do not even have basic knowledge on Linux, and you never even see how “Ubuntu” looks like before. Totally 0 in Linux, and you expect to straight start on managing and configuring a Linux VPS?
I told you to read those tutorials and commands list I’ve shown you, but you didn’t read any of it. And say you did read huh? If you did read them, why the hell you don’t even know how to “ls” and “cd”? These 2 commands are listed and explained in details in those guides I’ve shown you!
And when I told you to download Ubuntu and install it into a VM in your PC to practice on it first, and you dare to tell me to mail the CD to you!? What do you think I am? The Ubuntu Shipit!? You keep insisting that your Internet is slow, and can’t download huh? As I know, you are using Streamyx, and having very good connection with very stable connection. Since my Streamyx connection that every 30 minutes drop, also can download the Ubuntu CD by resuming the download process, why can’t you download the damn CD with your stable Internet connection!?
The thing I dislike the most, is you asked me to transmit your message of threatening to Hakim Zulkufli, saying that you love to DDoS and plant C99 shell. With this kind of offensive attitude of a script kiddie, you think people will teach you more knowledge for you to do more damage?
Dude, I have no problem teaching a slow learner. In fact, I do have a student which is autistic and he is learning well. But please keep in mind, that I do mind teaching someone who is lazy, refuse to learn from the basic and keep on act smart and arrogant in the process of learning!
If you want to learn things, start from the basic! Do not think you are able to control a Linux server while you haven’t even see how a Linux Desktop looks like at all!
3. The Malaysia Forum Case:
Dude, be a man!
When you fight in the public, do not ever delete the thread you lose your fight in, and then pretend that you don’t know why the thread is gone.
I know how my wife battle style on the Internet. She is not the kind of people who delete things when she lose, she will using all kinds of reasonable facts to win the battle, and if she lose, she will accept that she lose the battle. I am not blaming you for anything, but I do mind that you have deleted my thread where I rant about the behavior of Haziq which keeps on disturbing me.
You know what? In order to survive well in the society, you must have guts and must be dare to battle until the end. Or else, how do you think I am able to survive until today, and able to feed my whole family, while the economy is so bad since 2008?
Although my wife is making argument which looks like a troll, but things that she said, have the facts that you can’t deny. Good advice, sometimes are really harsh to listen!
She expect you to work harder after you were attacked and let yourself to prove that you are in fact a strong person, and I am so disappointed that you choose to give up and act like a sissy.
If you want to become someone strong, fight and survive and grow! Then only you can become someone who are strong enough to survive in the harsh environment of the society.
If you choose the other way round, for the rest of your life, people will look down at you, no matter what skills you have with yourself.
4. Belanja Free VPS!?:
Perhaps because I always like to sponsor VPS to people, and this has caused people started to take advantage on me.
Usually, I only provision VPS to those who are deserve to own it, and not for everyone who want to get a free toy to play with!
Please keep in mind that the VPS I sponsored to host the SimpleLinux mirror at http://mirror.enyx.tk/, is sponsored to the SimpleLinux project, and it is not a VPS I belanja you to play with. Myself, I do like the SimpleLinux project, thats why I sponsored the VPS. Your SimpleLinux project deserve to get the VPS. But I am really angry when you go and tell Haziq that he can ask me to belanja him a VPS for free.
And the other VPS, that I borrow you for your training purpose, I really didn’t expect that you straight give him the root access. Do you know that Haziq did not really appreciate it and treating it like he paid for the VPS?
How can you give your “Buku Latihan” to other people to conteng on it?
And I am sure that you know, he asked you to setup everything for him, and then he publish the VPS IP as a link in his school website and claiming that it is the “Cloud” he setup.
He is using it like he paid for it and refuse to learn to setup by himself. It is very obvious, that he is lazy to learn and asking people to do works for him and he take the credits, like what Hakim told me what Haziq always did in school!
So please remember, I am not Santa Claus. When I see a person deserve to get a VPS sponsorship, I will offer them myself. I will not accept VPS sponsorship request, but I will offer them myself if they really deserve to get it!
5. Conclusion:
Fariz, now, whether you wanted to continue with the apprenticeship, or you want to give up, it is up to you. Just let me know your decision. At the time I took you as my apprentice, I did say before, to become my apprentice, you have to tahan with my scolding and mockery and very strict way to training. Although I never been scolding and mocking you until these few days, but this time, I think it is necessary for me to become more strict as you have been stayed in comfort zone for too long.
Haziq, I am not slamming you down and asking you not to learn Linux anymore. But if you read back everything I have write to you, including those I’ve sent to you in FB Chat, I am indeed asking you to learn from basic and get yourself familiar with Linux environment first. You can not straight start from server level while you have no idea how Linux works. This is the reason why, I keep insisting that you install Ubuntu in your PC and use it for sometime to understand how Linux works. And also, do not keep on ask people on every step, search in Google, because all the answer you need, are available in Google. This is how I learn, this is how Fariz learn, this is how everyone else get their answer from.
If you wanted to learn more, get yourself familiar with the term “RTFM” a.k.a “Read The Fucking Manual”.
Hakim already said he is willing to assist on teaching you, but you must learn how to Google your answers and explore yourself. You must not rely everything on other people!
And one more thing, if you still behaving like a script kiddie and threatened to DDoS people or plant shell scripts on people’s hosting, I will dare to assure you that no one will be willing to guide you.
We learn for good reason and protect, not to attack people and show off!
By the way, at this moment, when I am writing this, I am still sick, still fever.
I am suppose to sleep and get enough rest after check my emails.
But these shits in the Facebook has caused me to spend so much time to write a fucking long article.
Hopefully, I am able to get enough rest after I finish write this shit!
And please, let me rest peacefully!