Full Name: Steve Paul Jobs
Date of Birth: 24th Feb 1955
Place of Birth: San Francisco
Founded Apple At 1976

As you all have known, Steve Jobs has resigned as the CEO of Apple.
But he will stay on as the Chairman of Apple’s Board of Directors.
Tim Cook had been selected as his successor by himself.
When the news was release to the public, Apple’s share had immediately drop 7% at the same day.
Most people, notably iPhone users, are concerning about will there be anymore newer model of iPhone or not after Steve Jobs resigned.
I say, these i-tards are all stupid!
iPhone was Steve Jobs idea, but it doesn’t mean that if he quit, there will be no more iPhone! Tim Cook is capable enough to succeed Steve’s plan and will continue to bring brighter future to Apple. Unlike Steve Balmer who succeeded Microsoft from Bill Gates, Steve Balmer was known as a clown, even long before Bill Gates announced his resignation.
Unlike most i-tards, who only concern about iPhone, I am more concern about this IT pioneer’s health condition. At first people thought it was just a rumor, but after some investigation and verification from several trustworthy sources, it has been confirmed that Steve Jobs had suffered from Pancreatic Cancer since year 2003.
News Source: Bloomberg
The picture below, was taken after the day he tendered his resignation letter.
We can see it clearly his health condition is already very bad currently.

The current picture of Steve Jobs
Losing an IT pioneer like Steve, is a great lost to the IT world.
Although I am not an Apple product’s fan, but I do admit that Apple had did a very good job under the administration of Steve Jobs. Well, the first ever desktop computer with GUI, Apple Lisa, was born under Steve’s hand!
It seems like all of his work mates do know that he is in a very bad health condition.
In his resignation letter, he had written this:
“I have always said if there ever came a day when I could no longer meet my duties and expectations as Apple’s CEO, I would be the first to let you know. Unfortunately, that day has come.”
Here is what I hope Steve will be able to read (although I know he will not read this anyway).
Steve, thanks for giving me and other people to have chance to download Darwin.
I am still keep it in my hard drive, as it is the only thing I have which is the closest to Macintosh.Although Macintosh is expensive and I can’t afford to buy it, but you have proven to the world that BSD Unix is a very powerful OS. As a FreeBSD user, I do feel proud that Macintosh is part of the BSD family distro.
Although I don’t like your product’s fans a.k.a i-Tards, but I have to admit that I do like you, same as I like Linus Torvalds, Kevin Mitnick etc.
Anyway, may God bless you, and enjoy your remaining days. Hope that you can see the day iPhone 5 and iCloud launch to the market.