Now, here is the tutorial on how you use Creative Commons license for your website or your blog.
I had copied the same tutorial I posted in my other article Licensing Your Works, and modified a bit for making it suitable to be use for websites and blogs nowadays.
Step 1: File a copyrights license for your blog
- Go to don’t worry, it is free.
- Fill up the necessary information where what rights you wan on your blogs.
- Allow commercial uses of your work? Choose No, so that no one can use what you write and earn from it without giving you royalty. Unless you are very generous, then choose Yes.
- Allow modifications of your work? Choose No, sometimes it is dangerous for allow people to modify it and put it in other place. They might modify it and twist the fact, hence make you get into certain trouble. If you believe that the contents are safe to be altered and republish, you can select Yes.
- Jurisdiction of your license Choose your own country name if you want to allow people from other country to abuse your work. Or else, choose International.
- Tell us the format of your work: Select Other, since you will have text, picture and might even have videos in you articles. This option can actually cover everything you have in your website/blog.
- Title of work Put your website’s/blog’s title, for example “Kao Sai CiBai Area!”
- Attribute work to name You can put either your full name or your online nickname
- Attribute work to URL Put your website’s/blog’s address here such as
- Source work URL You can leave this empty since blog articles is based on what appears in you mind. For certain articles that your idea is inspired from other blog, you can just put the credits line in that certain articles, no need to fill up this part.
- More permissions URL You can link it to your profile page so that people able to get your email to contact you for using your work for specific usage which need your written permission.
- Now, click the Select a License button to go to the next page.
- Now you have submitted you license registration, you will have 2 or 3 different size logo to choose for using it at your website/blog, just click any of it which you like.
- Finally, copy the codes which had generated and paste in a text editor file to save the codes.