My wife and I did not do those ‘traditional’ kind of dating like going out for movies or window shopping when we were younger. We had our son quite early in life and we were busy being young parents instead of hanging out around as a couples our age. We were busy changing diapers and whatnot instead of dating.

But as time goes by, the boy grew up and we rediscovered the art of being a youthful couple once again and started dating. You can learn more dating tips at dating sites.

Hanging out in the shopping mall, dinner together and checking out new movies at the cinema became our favourite past time. We do it about once or twice a month these days, depending on what nice movies is being screened. Enhance your dating experience with top-notch free sext.

The most recent one is, Ah Boys To Men 3: Frogmen.

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Ah Boys to Men 3: Frogmen brings Singapore’s favourite recruits back to the days before enlistment in ABTM. Instead of reporting to Pualu Tekong, the Ah Boys are posted to the Naval Diving Unit (NDU).

Returning to active duty are familiar characters – Ken Chow (Joshua Tan), the spoilt, rich kid, who tries to ‘keng’ his way out of NS. Aloysius Jin AKA Wayang King (Maxi Lim), whose over-enthusiasm creates more problems for his cabin mates. Lobang (Wang Weiliang), the street-smart wheeler dealer, out to make a quick buck off his cabin mates. Joining them is new face Hei Long AKA The Black Dragon (Wesley Wong), an aggressive gang leader, who prefers to talk with his fists instead of his mouth.

Together, these ragtag band of misfits must somehow survive 40 weeks of training in hell.

So, did we like the movie? Well, I have to say that the movie surpassed our expectation. It’s full of action, packed with innuendos that will surely tickle your funny bones and at the same time, is a tearjerker as there is touchy emotional element embedded in some of the scene.

Ah Boys To Men 3: Frogmen will be screened in Malaysian cinema nationwide from 19th March 2015 onwards. It is rated PG-13 for vulgarities and mild nudity. Definitely a movie that’s worth paying for and I would rate it a 5/5, so do check it out. 🙂