Pikom PC Fair – August 2008

I’m sure most of you guys/gals did go to this PC Fair.
And lots of you might bought a laptop from there.

I did go to this PC Fair at last Sunday as well. The traffic around KLCC is damn jam and it is wasting lots of my petrol(Pukimak, petrol also damn expensive). And another thing makes me damn tulan is hard to find place for parking.

Like every time got PC Fair, KL Convention Center is damn crowded. But no choice, since i wanted to go and see if there is something new is shown there or not. Honestly, I am quite disappointed when i I see there is nothing different than I usually walk around in Low Yat(nothing new to see).

Anyway, at least I found that Lenovo is using the Beijing Olympic mascot a lot for promoting their product.

Also, there is a lot brands used “pretty” girls to attract customers as well.
I am wondering, are they selling computer products or selling the models or what?
Some of them really looks like baboon ass. Some of them looks really ok.
Those who just work as sales person looks even more pretty than these “models”.
But too bad, they do not like their picture to be taken…
Fujitsu Girls-Not Sure...
Brothers Printer Girls
Lenovo Girl
Kingsoft Antivirus Girls
Kingsoft Antivirus Girls 2
Kingsoft Antivirus Girls 3

Ok, after see all these girls pictures, lets get back to the topic.
(Pictures are put into this article just to attract more people to read, hahahaha.)

Since the time I go to the PC Fair is near their closing time, most of them is trowing price and sell off most of their stock at very cheap price. They even sell some of those display unit at cost price. Most of the booth is going crazy when their sales person shouting the price of the product they are trowing price.
Throw Price
Throw Price 2
Video 1
Video 2

Most of the items which is sold at PC Fair during the time they almost close is very cheap, worth to buy.
But during the 1st day, 2nd day and final day(before 5pm), is those things really cheap? I don’t think so.
Most people thought that computer products during PC Fair is damn cheap, but if you always go to Low Yat, you will know that it is not.
Usually, 2 weeks before PC Fair, all hardware price in Low Yat raise. This is to let those people who coming to KL for the PC Fair to see and think that those are the hardware price in KL. But they do not know, the price is actually raised. When during PC Fair, the hardware price in the PC Fair is drop until lower than the price they raised since 2 weeks ago, but still, the price is still slightly higher than usual.
When everyone rush to the PC Fair and buy things that they want, they thought that they actually buying thing with good price, but in fact, they had paid more than usual or they paid with normal price as we can usually see in Low Yat.

But of course, there is still some items is really cheaper than usual.
Example, thumbdrives, it is RM3-RM4 cheaper than usual.
Also, CD-R Disc (100pcs). It is sold for RM30-RM50(Depends on the brands) where normal price is actually RM40-RM70.
Some mouse price is also quite cheap this time. Those mouse that we usually able to get for RM15, it is sold for RM10 this time. Not bad actually.
For me, I usually only buy CD-R during PC Fair and nothing else.

As I know, lots of people buy laptop during PC Fair rite?
Do you realize that some of the booth is using other company name which it is not their real company name? They are doing this for getting more booth. So if you are unlucky, you might purchased the laptop/hardwares from the shops that are far from KL area such as in PJ or some other states. This will be a problem for you when you want to send your laptop/hardware for warranty in the future.
My advice is, buy from Low Yat, or if you really want to buy at PC Fair, buy from those booth that you know where is their shop located so that it will be easy for you to warranty the laptop/hardware.

Also, did you realize that when you bought a laptop which without Windows license, it will be totally empty, unlike when you purchase from Low Yat? There is 2 reason for this actually.
1. They don’t have time to install it for you lar, so many ppl, they where got time to install pirated Windows for you?
2. If they dare to install pirated Windows for you, they might get into trouble, coz they are not allowed to install pirated software to any of their customer, or else, they might be caught and kena saman by BSA(Business Software Association).

For this case, most people is trying to install the laptop them self and screwed off the whole system. Coz installing Windows looks easy, but configuring it properly is not as easy as you think(Normal lah, Windows sux). Lots of freelance or those local computer shop will get business for this reason. You need to pay more for what you don’t need to pay for –> Pirated softwares. This is why I suggest people to download Ubuntu Linux and install it into the laptops, coz it is damn easy to install compare to Windows, hahahha.
Something that not worth to pay for

Ok, now is time to smoke and take a rest.
Smoking Area
I’m sure those who smoke know this place, most of those PC Fair workers smoke here, including those who come to PC Fair to buy things.
Honestly, it is quite comfortable to smoke at this place since there is a good scenery to view while smoking.
Smoking Area Scenery

Since I stayed there until they packing up their things, I have chance to see some interesting scene. The TM Streamyx team is shouting their slogan before they dismiss. Too bad, I didn’t record the scene when they are shouting it, but I can tell you that their voice can be heard even from another side of the exhibition hall.
Streamyx Team

Since i had talked about Streamyx team, I would also like to comment about those ISP booth that I’ve visited and the test I’ve done.
1st, I’ve visited the Packet One WiMax booth. At first, I thought their quality will not be good, as what I’ve seen last time in Izzinet booth during previous PC Fair. But when I do 3 basic test, their result was great and even better than other ISP I’ve ever seen.

Test Done:
1. Packet Loss Test.
1st attempt with 10 times ping. 3% loss
2nd attempt with 20 times ping 0% loss
3rd attempt with 25 times ping 0% loss
This is very good for a wireless connection. Can be say as good as wired connection.

2. Traceroute Test to google.com
20 hops before reach google.com
Good enough if compare to Streamyx (Streamyx is 16 hops).

3. Speedtest using speedtest.net
Download speed: 2400kbps
Upload speed: 540kbps
Not bad, for a 2.4mbps connection, it reaches the maximum speed. Good enough. Although on 1mbps Streamyx, you can reach 1500kbps++ at midnight. Seems like Packet One didn’t give you more. 🙂

Ok, I then passed by the Izzinet booth. At 1st, I don’t really bother to even see them(coz every time I do test on Izzinet, the result sux), but one of their promoter pulled me and asked me to signup for their product, so I told him, that I will do some test on their internet connection, do not regret. That idiot just say, he won’t regret and have confidence to their product. So, I also do the same 2 basic test on them.

1st test, Packet Loss test:
1st attempt with 10 times ping
100% loss.
2nd attempt with 20 times ping
100% loss
3rd attempt with 25 times ping
still the same, 100% loss
Then I said, Packet One is better in this. Then he asked me, “Packet One how many loss?”
So I just tell him the result as above. And looks like he dunno what the hell test I am doing and he asked, “how bout ours?” then I said “100%” he said “ours so good ar” and i answered “100% loss ar! what good?!”
Then he said, “This is indoor mah, In PC Fair, signal not that good.”
I answered him, “Packet One also in PC Fair lor, also indoor, same situation with yours, how come they can be so good, and Izzinet is even much more worse then when it is launch last time? Worse already, but now more worse!”

Then I continued with the 2nd test, the traceroute to google.com
It takes me more than 5 minutes and still not getting anything back and keep on getting “Request time out”
Since I see it is wasting my time, I just leave without saying anything and they also just keep quite.
Therefore, 3rd test is not done since no point doing it at all. The speed test result will be damn sux if thier connection is in this kind of condition.

Lastly, I am at the Maxis Broadband booth. As you all know, Maxis is not much better than Izzinet (but still can use lah). When I try to do the test, 2 of their promoter is standing behind me and dun dare to say anything, coz they saw me shoot those Izzinet clown just now. I actually expect some better results since the Maxis Tower which has a big antenna of Maxis is very near.
1st test, packet loss test,
1st attempt with 10 times ping
70% loss.
2nd attempt with 20 times ping
75% loss
3rd attempt with 25 times ping
70% loss
wah lau e! Maxis Tower so near also like this ar!?

2nd test, traceroute to google.com
I waited until 27 hops still not yet reach any of the US station yet!!!
So I just leave without the test been done.
But 1 thing good about them, they know their product quality sux and they just keep quite to avoid get shoot. Smart choice, hahahah.

For Streamyx, I didn’t do any test, coz most of you should know the result already. It is quite stable, but not that fast since they are already oversold more than what they could sell for the pipe they have.
But still, it is quite good to use since it is quite stable due to they are a wired connection.
While Celcom, I also didn’t test, coz can’t find their booth. But from my experience, they are the best if compare to others 3G or 4G (Not included Packet One since they are WiMax Technology). They just got 1 problem only, it is damn expensive to buy a modem since they never provide the modem!

And then finally, it is already 9.30pm. I am going back and take a photo at the exit.

Also, I found a nice scenery at the exit there.
Exit Scenery
This scenery makes me thinking about something…
“Hmm, KL is quite a nice place, but too bad, it is full of dogs and bitches. And this has polluted the beauty of this city…”