I was invited to spend some time with the Selangor Javanese Community in Banghuris Homestay last week by Tourism Malaysia Selangor in conjunction of Nasi Ambeng Festival 2015, jointly organized by JKKN. My family and I missed the Nasi Ambeng Festival last year in favour of another media trip to Perak, but we managed to go for it this year, which is quite an enjoyable experience for us.

Here’s sharing with you the one day worth of memorable experience last week.

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We followed the media entourage and departed from Shah Alam and arrived as early as 10pm in Banghuris Homestay. This is my second time in Banghuris Homestay. Previously it was during the Voluntourism Program with Sahabat Media and Santai Travel back in 2013.

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The host house

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Upon arrival, the media entourage were served breakfast.

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Breakfast was the common traditional dishes served in a Javanese household; Nasi Lemak, Lemet, Tumtuman(coned shaped kuih), Lempeng Tepung with Tauchu Ikan Bilis as dipping. Breakfast was excellent.

After breakfast we were taken to our next stop, which a makeshift camp to witness how Nasi Ambeng is made.

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Villagers working together to prepare Nasi Ambeng.

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The men are involved in preparing Nasi Ambeng for the festival too.

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Herbs and spices used to make Nasi Ambeng.

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The ingredients for Nasi Ambeng side dishes.

The air was filled with festival excitements and there were plenty of ongoing activities for both tourists and locals alike to participate in.

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Spotted flower arrangement contest going on.

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A beautiful flower arrangement was made by one of the participants, who also sells flowers online.

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Batik colouring contest.

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A modern twist in batik by a child.

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And what’s a festival without some music? Here’s the local Javanese band, Chempuling, performing both modern and traditional music to keep everyone entertained.

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There is also a bazaar selling things during the festival. Interesting to note that the selling price of most items sold is very cheap in comparison to what we get in the city.

The members of the media also participated in a friendly match of traditional games.

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I played this game. It is called ‘Sepak Bulu Ayam‘ where you have to kick a ball made from chicken feathers. It sure is much more difficult than it looks.

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The ladies on the other hand, played Galah Panjang, a traditional tag game.

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Group photo after our games

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Lunch was at one of the host’s house and it was rice with authentic traditional dishes.

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A plate of rice with a side of gulai nangka, kangkung belacan, sambal tempe with ikan bilis, jantung pisang rebus and a side of ulam and sambal belacan.

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After lunch we visited the bamboo farm located nearby the Banghuris Homestay Community Hall where we took the opportunity to shoot all sort of pictures.

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A candid photo at the Bamboo farm.

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Here’s a pic of my family’s feet. Mine, my wife and my son’s. We took a similar shot last year and thought it would be fun to do it again.

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After that it was time for a short picnic break by the fish pond where we enjoyed plenty of things.

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We were served young coconuts, freshly plucked from the trees.

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The host served us cucur for tea, something simple but irresitibly delicious.

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After picnic, we were taken to assigned host’s house for a rest.

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Our room. With two single beds, bathroom attached and fully air conditioned.

We rested there and refreshed for the main agenda that night, The Nasi Ambeng Festival 2015. Stay tune for my next post on the exciting festival.

In the meantime, here’s some info on Banghuris Homestay:

Banghuris Homestay won The Best Homestay Award in 2014 by Tourism Malaysia and is an abbreviation of three kampung names; Kampung Bukit Bangkong, Kampung Hulu Chuchoh and Kampung HuluTeris. Basically, it is three villages forming a homestay with 80 participating houses providing homestay service. It is about 35km from Kuala Lumpur International Airport (KLIA) and 97km from Kuala Lumpur. The nearest tourism attraction to Banghuris Homestay is Sepang Gold Coast, which is about 15km away. On the other hand, for those people who are intrigued to secure similar houses mentioned above, a company like the solicitors in Stratford might be of aid.

Right now Banghuris Homestay is offering RM250 (per pax) for a 3days 2 night package that is inclusive of meals and planned activities. Great for kids during school holidays and for those who wants to experience a kampung life.

Info on Banghuris Homestay, should you are interested in staying there:

Banghuris Homestay
Jalan Tailong
Kg. Hulu Chuchoh
43950 SG.Pelek
Sepang Selangor

Phone: 03-31421019

Email: [email protected]