
没有必要的废话,我不多说了。 我只想在这里祝大家过个美好的中秋节。 中秋节快乐! 虽然是迟了,但是我还是想祝福大家! [tube]1xcxCv06tXk[/tube]

The Final Hour

The Final hour by Andrew Klavan is a gripping tale about a teenager woke up one day having his world crumbling beaneath him. This book is a part of Homelanders series, and I have to say that if you haven’t Read More

“Like” Spam!

I believe almost everyone of you are annoyed with these kind of spam which ask you to click the “Like” in Facebook. Nowadays, more and more people like nonsense things. Besides chasing for new model of technology gadgets which they Read More

Similarity Of The Pictures!

Disclaimer: I say nothing! I write nothing! I just saw both picture looks similar, so I just posted them! Najib Meet Pope Benedict XVI Hitler Meet Pope Pius XII

Nasi Lemak 2.0 Gala Premiere

As you all know, I did attend the Nasi Lemak 2.0 Gala Premiere. People who are in my Facebook, should have know this, as I spammed around like hell those pictures live from the venue that day. If any of Read More