Planned Streaming Platform/Service:
1. (First Choice)
4. Or perhaps, multi stream to all service above using WebCamStudio in the Internet speed at the event venue is fast enough and the computer for using as the streaming machine able to run JAVA without issues.

Reason for using the above streaming service because they are free services and they are all able to record the streamed sessions. Streaming quality of the above streaming service are all tested and able to produce very good quality live streaming video and uses very low bandwidth.

The reason of not using self hosted video streaming platform is because of the bandwidth limitation that we will usually have in Malaysia, and also a few reasons as below:

1. Hosting the video streaming in the event venue is not recommended as we will need a very huge out going pipe to the Internet, which we will usually won’t get for any sponsored Internet connection.
2. Although we can host it on our own servers located at some data center, but this require some cost, as well as a lot more time to configure the streaming server and it does not comes with additional interaction tools such as audience chatting features etc.
3. The free streaming services I had listed at above, have a more complete infrastructure where it will involve more cost, if we are going to implement the streaming platform ourself.
4. The free streaming services listed above distribute the video feeds to each CDN servers in order to give audience faster loading speed when they watch the streaming. was selected as the first choice, as it was the streaming service I’ve been used since long time ago and it is very easy to control the bitrate of the video and audio. It is very user friendly, so it will be easier for those volunteers who wanted to help out for the video streaming to manage the streaming even when I am not available at the time the streaming is on going. is also a streaming service used by NASA for their NASA TV.