Non-geeks might not know what it is this event. But a lot of geeks who are into Open Source in Malaysia, will probably know what is MOSC2011.
To those non-geeks, don’t worry, I will write about what is MOSC2011 in my future articles.
This report will be written in multiple pages, if you are going to read this article, please make sure you read all pages of this report.
First few pages is about the planned tools for the streaming, and the following pages after that, will be the report regarding the issues I’ve found during the event which caused me unable to do the streaming. The last page will be my opinion on what we can do to ensure we able to do the streaming in the future events.
Well, as I had promised to do the video streaming, here is my report regarding the video streaming of MOSC2011, although the streaming has failed to be broadcast online.
Origin Of The Video Streaming Idea:
1. Original idea was from the WordPress event, the Wordcamp San Francisco 2010, where they do live streaming for their talks live to the Internet.
Reference: http://2010.sf.wordcamp.org/2010/05/01/live-stream/
2. Then I was doing streaming with Syafiq, and was using Syafiq’s USB webcam to do video streaming at the MOSC2010 exhibition hall. The video streaming was tweeted/retweeted and announced in my facebook. It has attracted a lot of people who unable to attend the MOSC2010 to watch, according to the viewers statistic of ustream.tv. One of the response I get, was from Kash, where he called up Slaya‘s cellphone and say “Hey Garfield! I saw you in the video streaming!”
Reference: http://www.ustream.tv/channel/g-oss
3. I found that more and more people is doing live video streaming, including a lot of bloggers. Then also I see a lot of private events, like some wedding ceremony, some birthday parties, some primary school story telling competition and live streamed online. So I think, since non-IT people are also adopted this kind of technology, why people like us, who are in the IT field, don’t do this for our events?