A blog community website owner, Rei, has asked me before, why do I sponsoring blog hosting to people.
My answer is very simple. I have space which I don’t want to waste. So I use it for sponsoring people.
It is an effort to promote open source softwares since when there is people running a self hosted blog, they will need to use a blog script. And the most common use blog script nowadays is WordPress, which it is an open source project.
There is another reason.
Nowadays, most people is using blog service like blogger.com and wordpress.com.
They are not flexible enough for total customization, there is too much restriction where you can only do very little customization.
The wordpress.com I just mentioned is actually a free blog service running on the WordPress script. Although it is using the same script, but since it is a shared hosted service, you are not provided access to modify the files and install plugins as you like.
While blogger.com, people think it is very customizable.
Actually it is not correct. Although you can edit the layout via the xml file, but still, you are not able to upload plugins and totally customize it. You can only use 3rd party widgets or widgets that is already provided.
To get the blog hosting sponsorship, is very simple.
Just go to http://fik4.com/signup.php and register.
There will be 2 registration option. But the best is if you choose the first one as I will install and setup the wordpress script according to my hosting server’s configuration.
If you have any question after you had started to use the blog hosting service, you can always go to http://forum.garfield.in and ask your question there.
Tutorials on how to setup the wordpress script yourself will also be posted in that forum.
Of course, if you already know how to setup the blog yourself, you can always write your own version of tutorial at there.
There is no limit on how many account a person can own, as long as you want another account, just register.
If you intended to use the hosting for other thing besides blog, you can also do so as long as you know how to do it yourself. So this means you can even register an account to run a forum, personal website, charity website or anything.
You might be curious about the hosting specification.
Here is the link where you can see what you will get for this hosting.
You might feel that the space and bandwidth that provided is too less. But I can tell you, it is more than enough for sustain more than 1 year. If really not enough, then it means you already become very popular and had earn a lot from your blog. Then that will be the time you should upgrade to paid hosting service. But until then, it should be enough.
My blog until now also didn’t use that much bandwidth and space, it has run for about 2 years already. So I think that the space I sponsor should be enough for use very very long time.
I hope that this program can help more people to have more freedom in blogging.
And I also hope that you can promote it to everyone just in case they are looking for a hosting for their blog.
A link/blogroll to http://fik4.com is much appreciated.
If you wanted to place a badge of Chicken Run Project at your blog/website, you mat use the codes below.
<a href=http://fik4.com><img src=http://www.imagechicken.com/uploads/1259439478083499000.png></a>