OpenShift in Rocky Linux: Managing and Scaling Applications on OpenShift in Rocky Linux

This article covers managing and scaling applications in your OpenShift cluster.


  • An application deployed on OpenShift


  1. Scaling an Application:
    oc scale --replicas=3 deployment/<deployment-name>
  2. Monitoring Application Performance:
    OpenShift provides built-in monitoring tools to check the health and performance of your applications.
  3. Rolling Updates:
    Deploy new versions of your application with zero downtime:

    oc set image deployment/<deployment-name> <container-name>=<new-image>
  4. Auto-Scaling:
    Enable auto-scaling based on resource usage:

    oc autoscale deployment/<deployment-name> --min=1 --max=10 --cpu-percent=80
  5. Using OpenShift Web Console:
    Many of these tasks can also be managed through the OpenShift web console, which provides a user-friendly interface for monitoring and managing applications.