These are the cast of the movie:

NameWee as Hero Huang(黄大侠)

Karen Kong as Xiao K(小K)

Dennis Lau as Lan Qiao(蓝桥), The Villian

Adibah Noor as The Nasi Lemak/Taichi Master

Kenny & Chee as Baba & Nyonya (The Rendang Masters)

Datuk David Arrumugam(Alley Cats) as The Curry Master

Curry Master’s Daughter!!!

Adflin Shauki as the Fisherman(Retired Businessman) and Resh Monu as Han Tu Ya(The Ice Cream Man)

Fisherman’s Wives

Hero Huang’s Sifu

Xiao K’s Grandma

Xiao K’s ☚Aunt and Dad☛

You may see Patrick Teoh’s and the rest names in the picture.
Their names are resembling