When buying bunk beds for your children, consider how long your children will use the bed, know all the options available, examine the bed’s guardrails and ladder, and choose the right mattress size.

Bunk Beds are a great solution if you have children who share a room together, or if you want to maximize space in a small-sized bedroom. Over the years, the traditional bunk bed has evolved in form, size and style and has even incorporated additional features such as storage spaces and desks. If you are considering getting a bunk bed for your children, you will want to know how to buy one that is best for your children’s needs. Here are some tips to guide you:

Consider how long your children will use the bed

One of the first and most important factors you should consider is the length of time you intend to let your children sleep on a bunk bed. It might be impractical and expensive to buy a small-size bunk bed with childish designs when you are planning to let your children sleep on that same bed for years to come. Think of how old your children currently are and how many years more will they use the bunk bed before you choose a style and size.

Know all the options available

Remember that there is a wide variety of sizes, designs, features and prices for bunk beds, so don’t settle on the first one you find. Do some research online, look at catalogs or window-shop with your child so both of you can compare all the choices available and find the best one.

Examine the bed’s guardrails and ladder

Some of the most important components that you should pay attention to when choosing a bunk bed is its guardrails and ladder. The bunk bed you choose must have a sturdy guardrail on each side of the upper bunk. Don’t settle on a bunk bed that has a guardrail in one side only. Even if you are planning to push the unguarded side against the wall, this setup poses a safety hazard. You should also consider the size of the guardrails and the measurement between the mattress frame on the top deck and the lower part of the guardrail. The gap between the two must not exceed 3 ½ inches so the mattress will be held safely in place. To prevent falls and similar accidents, the total height of the guardrail must be at least 5 inches from the top surface of the mattress. You should also consider the bunk bed’s ladder. Because your child will be using the ladder regularly, it must be designed in such a way that it is convenient and safe for your child to climb up on. The ladder must be sturdy and fastened securely so it will not be easily dislodged.

Choose the right mattress size

The size of the mattress you use must be appropriate for your chosen bunk bed. Choose only good quality mattresses that can fit right into the bunks with only about an inch allowance to the bed frame so it will not be easily moved.

The bunk bed you buy should be able to address your child’s needs without compromising safety and quality.